Friday, May 16, 2008

OMG pod person! or Small Steps

While I was home the other weekend I finished VK's Cabled Cardigan (#15) from the Winter 2006/07 issue--finished the knitting that is. And then the most amazing thing happened, I went ahead and blocked all of the pieces, all professional-like.

My mom even came over and admired my work; she usually just grumbles about what a mess I'm making. I mean she's right, but whose fault is it that I'm crafty? I certainly didn't teach myself to use the sewing machine or how to crochet miles and miles of chains. I was feeling pretty impressed until she looked at the sleeves which were on another board and asked "What are these extra pieces here?" Small steps, small steps. Here's the back and fronts, with bad flash lighting as a bonus:

The pieces are dry and waiting for me to seam them but no rush! I guess that means I'm only a pod person hybrid. Whew, what a relief.

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